Goat advice??? anyone have goats???

It should be fine as long as you dont get to many goats and plan to feed them and give hay. 2 to 4 goats would do well and they do need shelter from weather. Good luck
They need a shelter to sleep in at night and to get out of the rain-they hate rain! They will need free choice hay, minerals and water. Feed is kind of up to your discretion. If you have babies, does in milk, or pregnant does you want to give them additional feed. But if you just want to give them a treat, A little bit per day is sufficient. Again, the sister site backyardherds is an excellent source of information! Also, don't overpopulate you 1/4 acre. Some people have a lot of goats on what I consider too small of an area. Just make sure they can be content and comfortable. Also, they love to have things that they can jump and play on!
E.M. Silkies :

They need a shelter to sleep in at night and to get out of the rain-they hate rain! They will need free choice hay, minerals and water. Feed is kind of up to your discretion. If you have babies, does in milk, or pregnant does you want to give them additional feed. But if you just want to give them a treat, A little bit per day is sufficient. Again, the sister site backyardherds is an excellent source of information! Also, don't overpopulate you 1/4 acre. Some people have a lot of goats on what I consider too small of an area. Just make sure they can be content and comfortable. Also, they love to have things that they can jump and play on!

What this poster means by additional feed when you have skinny or lactating does is goat grain/goat chow....you might want to give a bit in the winter. Get them use to this feed slowly it can cause diarrhea.

Thought I would clarify in case op did not know.​
Whatever goats you get, be sure to get the over-eater shot, and I would get at least 2. Goats are social animals. Are you looking for meat goats, milk goats, or just something to have around?
What this poster means by additional feed when you have skinny or lactating does is goat grain/goat chow....you might want to give a bit in the winter. Get them use to this feed slowly it can cause diarrhea.

Thought I would clarify in case op did not know.

Thank you! I realized later that it may not have made sense to someone unfamiliar with goats and their feeding habits.
You should get a miniature breed like nigerian dwarfs. They don't require much space, but yes they will need some form of shelter. A lean to would be fine if you live in a mild climate. Also they will need grain, hay & supplementation. Make sure you buy from someone with a clean herd & keep them up to date on shots/etc. to keep them healthy
I don't have them yet, but I have been doing a lot of research & plan to get some soon
I actually have 2 babies on reserve right now. Also you can use them for milk I plan to do that as well.


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