Goat Girls Club! <333333333333333333333333333333333

Baby Chick

7 Years
Feb 28, 2012
So I'm thinking if you clicked on this you probably are a girl & have a goat! Not a goat who has a girl...............................that would just be weird......
So anyway, here you can post pics of u & your goat or just your goat or just you....yeah
I think you get the Idea, so what ever you want to ask or tell just say it Girls!

Go Goat Girls Club!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These are my 3 boys in various poses! Brat is the all white one and is part boer and part angora. Prince is almost all brown and is a boer. The last is Itty Bitty and he is mostly boer with a little nubian thrown in for color (and to increase milk production in the mommas!) These boys were gifts from my friend who raises them!! I LOVE MY BOYS!!!!

This is Fiona. We will breed her for the first time and start milking her next year. She is 1 year old.

This is Eclair. She is due to kid any day now {!!!} and this will be her second freshening. She is 3 years old.
They are both Alpines.
I have goats!! Billy and Timmy are my favorite, and I like to brag about them XD
I bottle-fed them since they were two days old, and they are boers. At first, since they were Billies (wethers as of two weeks ago :D ) we had to get rid of them so they wouldn't breed Our big girls. But then we had this genius idea to wether them!! so we did, and we got them some buddies, and now they live happily ever after. They are currently 4 months old and tiny. XD
I love my billies, we go on walks in the woods, without a leash, they just follow me!! And we would visit the creek together, and we would eat together ( I would bring my sandwich down to eat with them while they ate hay) We take naps together, and do everything together!! I LOVE MY BILLIES!!!!
Tan Nigy w/ dark head is mine named Truffles.
Second palomino (for lack of a better word) is my brothers and is named Beatrix but called Trixie.
The third one is mine also and named Thumbelina, but I call her Tumbelina or Tumbles because she tumbles around LOL.

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