Goat Lovers of Arizona


8 Years
Sep 29, 2011
Wittmann ,AZ
Starting this thread for goat owners, breeders and lovers, in Arizona. Share your knowledge, stories and pictures.
I live in Wittmann AZ and on our small farm we have a variety of animals which include are wonderful goats. Nigerian Dwarf and Nubian.
This is Kate with her new boyfriend, Reggie

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Well, I do not have goats and haven't lived in AZ (Lake Havasu) since I was 13....but I really want goats but have a question. I've been reading that a female goat has to be milked twice a day, but that she won't make milk if she hasn't had a baby? Now I do not have time to milk twice a day, so is it true that if she doesn't have a baby she won't make milk?
Don't want to high jack the thread or anything, but any first hand knowledge would be great.
Well, I do not have goats and haven't lived in AZ (Lake Havasu) since I was 13....but I really want goats but have a question. I've been reading that a female goat has to be milked twice a day, but that she won't make milk if she hasn't had a baby? Now I do not have time to milk twice a day, so is it true that if she doesn't have a baby she won't make milk?
Don't want to high jack the thread or anything, but any first hand knowledge would be great.

Unless a doe has been bred, she will not produce milk. That is true. Rarely, a doe can become a precocious milker, meaning she may develop milk without having been bred, but this is so unusual that you shouldn't count on it. You can buy a doe already in milk, but expect to pay a higher price.

Some does need milked twice, even three times a day. They produce THAT much milk. Some does are fine with one a day. Some people even do this: at night they pen any kids away from the doe, the owner milks down the doe in the morning, and then the kids get their mother for the rest of the day. That keeps her comfortable, you get some milk, and you don't need to bottle feed.
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Thank you. That was very helpful. The book I bought talked endlessly about milking and all that, but then never specifically said that you can have a goat that doesn't make milk. I like the idea of having a goat, but not all the work that comes with milking.
Thank you. That was very helpful. The book I bought talked endlessly about milking and all that, but then never specifically said that you can have a goat that doesn't make milk. I like the idea of having a goat, but not all the work that comes with milking.

Sorry OP for ze threadjacking, heh. If you want goats without having to worry about milking, wethers are castrated males and make great pets. They don't get any bucky smell, and are less expensive than does. Goats should be kept in a pair at least, though, since they're herd animals.
Sorry OP for ze threadjacking, heh. If you want goats without having to worry about milking, wethers are castrated males and make great pets. They don't get any bucky smell, and are less expensive than does. Goats should be kept in a pair at least, though, since they're herd animals.
Hello, Hope I get some AZ people but welcome. I was going to say the same thing Stacykins. Wethers really make the best pet all around.
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You know, I read about wethers in that book, but all my brain could focus on was how the males go into rut and stink and all that. Very good advice, thank you.
Hey thanks for the invite to your thread Fuzzybird. ok first I have to share this adorable picture I found on the net its so stinking cute! And im bring home 2 more goats on the 2nd doe and buck pygmys and im so excited . Ive told they other goats and think they are excited to meet theyre new family members :)
Here are the two new pygmys that im getting on the 2nd or sooner :) Doe aka Tinkerbell , she looks like a nigerian/pygmy cross ? and Buck pygmy aka Max
Hey Fuzzybird,
I hope you dont mind but ive just got to post that picture of Mohave your buck Reggies son. I just think that is one beautiful little baby and cant wait to see his next offspring. Good job Reggie !

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