Goat shots


12 Years
Jan 26, 2007
Here is the question I have , and have not found the answer.

HOW and where do you give a goat the vaccine shots? What needle is recommended?
We use a 22 gauge for most things. They are very small, so good for thin skinned animals, like goats. We buy the single use needle/syringe combos from Jeffers, very convenient, and not very expensive at all.

We give EVERYTHING subcutaneously. Goats have a very fast metabolism, it gets where it's going just as fast as im, and it is a LOT less painful.

The only exception would be very young goats. Then we tend to do im, just to be on the safe side-baby goats tend to succomb to things MUCH more quickly than adults.

To do sub-q: find loose skin (just behind point of elbow works extremely well), pinch skin to make a little tent, insert needle, depress plunger, and voila! you gave a shot! If we are giving a large dose of something, we split the dosage and give one on each side, also, we stick the needle nearly all the way through and withdraw the needle while depressing the plunger-spreads the dose out a bit more so it's not as uncomfortable.

To do im: find a large muscle (we usually use the thigh, it's generally the biggest), insert your needle until you are sure you are well into the muscle, pull UP on the plunger, if you get blood, try again, if no blood, depress the plunger.

A lot of drugs that are perfectly safe injected sub-q or im are lethal if accidently injected into a vein. This is another reason we do sub-q (very extremely LOW possibility of hitting a vein), and the reason you need to double check when injecting IM.

Hope this was helpful!
The CD&T vaccinations are given SubQ. I give it in the neck area using 3ml syringe and 22Gx3/4" needles for my Nigerians.
The reason why I give vaccines under the arm (under the elbow) is due to possible abscess formation.

If there is an abscess under the arm (under the elbow), where you gave the injection, you don't have to question whether it's from the shot or CL (Caseous Lymphadentis) because there are no lymph nodes under the elbow.

However, there are lymph nodes in the neck and if an abscess forms, you won't know if it's due to the shot or CL unless you have the abcess cultured.

Goats tend to get abscesses relatively easily when pricked by anything. It gives one peace of mind to rule out CL by just giving it under the elbow.
You'll know if it's a reaction to the CD&T if you know where you give your shots. Typically, you will get an injection absess from CD&T. It tells me the meds are working.
It tells me that your sub-q technique needs work

If you want to avoid the injection site abscess, inject VERY slowly, and massage thoroughly after for a couple minutes. It's not fool proof (cd/t is NOTORIOUS for injection abscessing), but it does greatly reduce the number than get them and reduce the size of the ones that do get them.

Many producers do prefer behind the point of shoulder b/c it's not immediately noticable if you're showing. Even if the judge is feeling your animal, if it's behind the elbow, it's not something easily discovered. YOU might now it's from the CD/T, but others may not.
I have one goat who has a bad reaction to the CD&T shots. He develops a big bump that takes a loooooong time to go away. My goats are wethers, who carry packsaddles. These things have a straps that go around the front of the chest, around the chest underneath, and around the backs of the hind legs. So I don't want any abcesses in those areas. Where's another good place to give the CD&T shot so that if there's an abcess it won't be where it will be rubbed by the saddle straps? The neck?
22 gauge
Sub Q
anywhere you can find the extra skin to lift
You can give them in thigh area, neck area, etc. Just as long as you find the extra skin to lift, you can do it there to avoid your pack area.

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