
If you want a lawnmower, look into sheep or mini horses. They are grazers while goats are browsers. Like someone else said, Nubians in my experience are very loud and obnoxious. Some sheep breeds can be pretty vocal too.
we have goats so we can raise babies and milk, they eat down our 3-4 acres in about 3 weeks, then we move them next door.. they do great :) we love them to death!
we have 20 or so head of goats, some nigerians, some nubians, and a few lamanchas, nubians scream a ton!
Our Nubians are the most quiet lol....My Boer big gal is the loudest screamer. I would go with full size not mini's I don't think that they would accomplish what you are wanting.
Me and my neighbor both have nubians and boers and we never have trouble with them screaming. There wonderful.!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! Goats eat Poison Ivy?! I wish I could just borrow someones goat to clear it out of my backyard since my husband is highly allergic. I don't want to spray it with anything because the chickens like to free range in that area.
We have Nubian for milk, but have had a lot of good experience with Barbados sheep. The goats need a lot more attention than the sheep ever did. I compare goats to a loyal dog as far as companionship and sheep to a herd of cattle.
You're going to be disappointed with the mowing job the goats do. I'd go with a horse. A sheep would be fairly hard to keep in fences unless you do field fencing or go with a hair breed. You can keep a small horse (pony) in an electric fence and they require very basic shelter. Goats are a little more fragile - they get tangled easier, they are more prone to parasites, and the worst thing is, they are more prone to being killed by someone's loose dog.
I strongly recommend 2 Pygmy Goats. I used to have a set of twin females named Poppy and Petunia. Although we gave them away top a petting zoo, ( we made the best choice possible, as I began to work many hours, and I felt that thy were being deprived), They were excellent at clearing away undergrowth. Judging by what you said about your property, it was made for Goats. No horse could eat Multiflora Roses like a Carpine can :). Try starting out with two younger goats (4-6 months) so you can leash train them with ease. Good Luck!
I have had Nubians for 3 years and they are NOT annoying. They are super friendly and loving. We had two girls call out when they first got home, but once they settled in, they weren't loud or annoying. We have pygmies too and they are about the same noise level as our Nubians. Our pygmies will hang out with you because they think you have food. Our Nubians hang out with you because they like attention. We've found Nubians to be much more genuine in their affection than our pygmies.

Props to Nubians!! :)

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