Gods Reborn Roleplay

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(Sorry, I didn't mean to be mean. Sometimes I forget I don't have the same sense of humor as other people :/ I,ll thing something up tomarrow, I need to sleep.

(I didn't think you were being mean, maybe snarky, but not mean, and I was being sarcastic, and a bit snarky... I'm not that much of a prude, I just don't think there's a need to cuss left and right! :p See you tomorrow, nighty night.)
(I didn't think you were being mean, maybe snarky, but not mean, and I was being sarcastic, and a bit snarky... I'm not that much of a prude, I just don't think there's a need to cuss left and right! :p See you tomorrow, nighty night.)
(Alright! I have an Idea. There's fresh snow on the ground and fresh ideas in my mind! Seriously, there's an icicle the length of my arm outside my window.
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