Going Broody...


6 Years
Nov 30, 2013
Galt, CA

This is one of my Jersey Black Giants named Phoebe. She has repeatedly gone broody, and each time she does it, I end up purchasing two baby chicks from the feed store and tuck them in underneath her at night. She has fostered 12 babies for me that way, and it is a wonderful thing to see and hear her teach her babies in the ways of the chicken. She is fiercely protective of her babies and even fought off a coyote recently that came for dinner. The little bantam silver sebright is Harriet. She actually has two under there...Gracie actually had her head pointing out the back. I love that the giant is taking care of the smallest babies I've ever had! So fun!
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Looks like she already completed the job successfully.
So this picture was taken on the "big girl" roost inside the coop. These babies are only about 5 weeks old though. All of the other non-bantam babies have taken like 8-9 weeks to make it to the roost. Phoebe would just sit on them in special nest box on the floor. The bantam babies I've noticed like to fly a LOT more than the full sizers. They're just way more acrobatic!. Harriet and Gracie haven't even fully feathered out yet. It'll be interesting to see how long the mama stays with them. I wonder if she's confused by their size? :confused:
What a good mom Phoebe is :love

(Sounds like she's your key to a much larger flock :lol:)

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