I go on vacation in the dead of winter with a long uphill driveway. How long (if my chickens have non-frozen water, and food) can they go without someone checking on them. It would be asking a huge favor for even one trip up the driveway in the snow (probably have to walk up in 2 feet of snow) let alone 10! I don't want them to die or suffer! Every 3rd day seem okay? I feel abusive for some stupid reason! They have the coop and big pen but it's that water thing i guess i'm worried about and the clean roost thing! I scrape it everyday and i get a lot! They'll be sitting in 5 inches of poop if it's not done every day! Advice!! Should i just take the perches down till i come back so they're in bedding on the floor. i don't know if i can get anyone to scrape it off! If you don't have your own chickens than it probably is going to get a big fat "NO WAY I'M DOING THAT" out of whoever i get to check on them! ADVICE PLEASE! Am i worrying for nothing or should i just put them out of their misery now! I feel so bad and i don't go on vaca for 3-4 months!