Going out of town


┑( ̄▽ ̄)┍
7 Years
Apr 12, 2015
Montgomery, TX
I've been called out of town for work for three full days and this rarely happens so I am not entirely prepared for my ducks. The dogs and horses all have caretakers that know the routines.... But these ducks are new.

I have such a specific routine and follow so many weirdo protocols to keep the ducks safe that I don't really want to stress about wondering if all that is followed through on.

I can totally trust someone to clean the pen and change food and water but I don't want to have them taking the ducks in and out... Too many problems.

I basically have just one question. While I know they might miss my spoiling, will my 6 week old mallards be okay fine r three straight days with no swimming or deep water to bathe in? They stay inside in my studio still at night and in the mornings... So I'd like to just use their watering systems in the indoor pen the entire time for them.

What are your thoughts???
I think they would be fine not swimming for a few days. They might not like it, but that'll make them even more happy to see you when you get back! ;)

Just remember that ducks don't get to swim every day during winter, right? So a few days now will not hurt them. I think this is the best way to have someone else take care of them anyway. The simplest, easiest, and safest way is to not take them out so nothing weird happens while you're gone.
I think they would be fine not swimming for a few days. They might not like it, but that'll make them even more happy to see you when you get back! ;)

Just remember that ducks don't get to swim every day during winter, right? So a few days now will not hurt them. I think this is the best way to have someone else take care of them anyway. The simplest, easiest, and safest way is to not take them out so nothing weird happens while you're gone.
I totally agree. Keep it simple and it's only a few days. I'm sure you will make it up to them when you get home.

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