Gold-Laced Polish gender

I tend, in my limited knowledge, to agree. She's a pullet. Here are the latest pictures...the best I could do right now. Forgive her "Hair" cut. We cut her feathers back about 6 weeks ago so she could see better and they're in the midst of growing back. I think I may cut them again. No eggs yet, hidden or otherwise. They only graze when I'm there to let them out of their run and supervise, so the only place she has to lay is the coop or in the run and I haven't found any stray eggs. She'll be a year old in March, we'll see what happens then.

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Six months old, and no hackle or saddle feathers? It's a pullet.

The hair-do looks like a roo, but if you're trimming it on a regular basis, that could be why. My pullets couldn't see ANYTHING by 3 months old, except straight along their beak. My roo could almost always see out from his crest, because it was "stringy". However, Ava has one side completely covered too. The other side... who knows?

But by now she should definitely have the hackle and saddle feathers of a roo, if that's what she were. Definitely keep an eye out for some eggs, now!

Too bad you aren't in Georgia, because I have a very lonely polish roo that I would loan you in exchange for some eggs, lol!

ETA: Here's a couple of pics of my full-grown roo:

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Tricoglossus and all - Eureka!! The issue is now resolved once and for all. Ava is officially a GIRL!!!
She laid her first egg today! It's white...the only white one of my flock. I know it's hers because it's white, but also because I got an egg from every one of my girls today...6 in all! Am I a bit crazy because I am so excited about this? Probably, but that's okay.

Thank you all for your support during these past 5 Months or so while we tried to figure out Ava's gender.
She was 10 months old as of January 26th. I am also very proud of her because she laid the egg in the nest box right where she was supposed to! Yes, I am easily amused!!

LTygress - What a beautiful bird! I can definitely see that Ava looks nothing like that. Of course, now we know why!

I had heard that Polish eggs were generally smaller than others, but as you can see, it's comparable...of course, that could be because it's her first.

If you start a new post/thread, you'll get more replies. #1 looks like a boy and #2 looks like a girl. Those are my guesses!

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