Gold Laced Wyandotte- Girl or Boy??


Apr 20, 2021
Hi there! Any ideas on the gender of this gold laced wyandotte? His/her brother (same age) has a much bigger and redder comb/wattle, pointy/upright tail and different feathering. Plus, the brother acts much more aggressive/rooster like. However, he/she still looks a little like a boy?? Any help is appreciated!


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At 11 weeks their combs and wattles are very developed and red; pullets don't get red like that until they are about to lay eggs. I have several wyanotte pullets the same age and their combs/wattles are pink and much smaller. The rose comb can make it a bit trickier to tell than on a straight comb.
Yes definitely the rose comb is a confusing one! I normally have Orpingtons and they are very easy to tell apart.
I've attached a photo of the brother a couple of weeks ago. Is bigger with a much bigger comb/wattle now and even pointer/longer tail. They are both 11 weeks old at the moment.


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I've attached a photo of the brother a couple of weeks ago. Is bigger with a much bigger comb/wattle now and even pointer/longer tail. They are both 11 weeks old at the moment.
At 11 weeks their combs and wattles are very developed and red; pullets don't get red like that until they are about to lay eggs. I have several wyanotte pullets the same age and their combs/wattles are pink and much smaller. The rose comb can make it a bit trickier to tell than on a straight comb.

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