Gold laced wyandottes 7 weeks

Ugh, looks iffy too me. I would definitely see how it looks in a few more weeks. Do you have any current pictures?
I was sure my slw was going to be a roo. Spent weeks checking her for saddle feathers...then she laid an egg.
So sorry it's taken me so long to reply! I kept thinking I'd wait for something significant to happen, but really nothing ever did. I'm still as unsure as ever... or at least in denial as ever lol
. Anyway they are now 11 weeks old. Still no crow, but there are definitely no longer any cute little chick peeps either
, both have sweet dispositions and even the one that used to be a bit on the shy side was sitting on my shoulder this evening looking for treats. The only real striking difference between the two now is size. One is significantly larger. But even then it doesn't seem off to me other than the fact that they're the same breed. The larger of the two is about the same size as my black sex link. And the smaller of the two is bigger, although not by much, than my silver spangled Hamburg.

As far as cockerel traits there has only been one "incident" the bigger one has been accused of (lol). My husband dropped something in the garage and said it was really loud and claims the larger of the two seemed to stand bravely over the other cowering ladies, but I dunno... since I wasn't there and didn't witness said bravery I can still be in denial right?! Hahaha

Anyway, here are some pictures I took today. Maybe someone not so close to the situation will be able to see the big picture. Or maybe just snap me out of my denial...





Vintagechick,  I'm dying to know how it's turned out.  Roo? Roo x2?

I still can't tell with mine.

Did you ever post pics of yours?? I've been on vacation and had little to no internet (scary I know right
) so I hope I didn't miss your post! I don't know why but out of all the breeds I have this one has been the trickiest to sex by far! It's almost like they know what they're doing and they're enjoying driving me crazy with all the speculation lol!

Good luck. My only SLW turned out to be a cockerel.

What a bummer! They're such a pretty breed. I hope you have better luck next time if you try again!
Did you ever post pics of yours?? I've been on vacation and had little to no internet (scary I know right
) so I hope I didn't miss your post! I don't know why but out of all the breeds I have this one has been the trickiest to sex by far! It's almost like they know what they're doing and they're enjoying driving me crazy with all the speculation lol!
I had 8, but was only fostering 6 and keeping 2. The 6 have moved to their new home. They are 11 weeks old. Trixi got hen pecked a few weeks ago by my big hens. She's healing nicely, but looks a little rough on the back of her neck. The only other difference I see is Trixi has more "gold". I'm still hoping they're both girls.

Mimi in back, Trixi in front



They are both starting to look like boys. The developed pink combs, and darker shoulder patch feathers point to male for these birds.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I hope you're wrong. Their shoulder feathers aren't as pointy as it looks. The orange part is pointed, but the feathers themselves are more rounded. If out of the eight I raised, the two I kept turn out to be roos I'll just scream!
The pointy male saddle and hackle feathers won't be visible until after 12 weeks or so. If they are boys, they should start looking dramatically different in the next couple of weeks.
The pointy male saddle and hackle feathers won't be visible until after 12 weeks or so. If they are boys, they should start looking dramatically different in the next couple of weeks.

Do you have any insight on the 2 of mine? Are we still thinking boys? Also the smaller of the two has all of a sudden become really aggressive and has taken to plucking feathers and picking on birds that are even bigger that her/him. Not sure what that's about. But there are a few raw backs in the coop right now. I finally had to separate her.
Do you have any insight on the 2 of mine? Are we still thinking boys? Also the smaller of the two has all of a sudden become really aggressive and has taken to plucking feathers and picking on birds that are even bigger that her/him. Not sure what that's about. But there are a few raw backs in the coop right now. I finally had to separate her.
Both Rolo and Reese look male.

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