Golden 300 duck non stop layer!

Cottage Rose

12 Years
Jun 24, 2008
Mid west Michigan
I have a Golden 300 Layer, which is, for those of you who are aren't familiar, a high production Khaki Campbell hybrid cross.
I got her last spring as a duckling. This duck started laying very young (forget the age) and never went through a fall/winter molt and keeps on laying. She has slowed down on production the last couple of months plus laying some shell-less eggs but she's still laying. She barely touches her oyster shell so I occasionally mix Aragonite into her pellets. I'm surprized she hasn't dropped dead. In 40 plus years I've never had a chicken or duck do this.
Your thoughts or experiences with this breed.
When I had these ducks I had the same experience. They live up to their names. My two laid 18 months straight and then only took 6weeks off for molting. He. Sure you have plenty of feed. I found these needed more feed than my Swedish.
My two are five years old and have always laid more than my other ducks. They do take breaks but not as long or often as my other ducks. I don't think I've ever seen shell-less eggs from them though. I have had health issues with one of them recently, but the other I've never had a problem with. I am concerned that they'll have more health problems than my other ducks because they lay so much, but I can't say for sure yet. I do really like the breed though; they're the animated ones of the flock for sure 😂

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