Golden and Silver Laced Wyadotte?


Can't stick with a Title
10 Years
Jul 5, 2009
i am planning on adding two birds to my flock. i am thinking one SLW ( hen) and one GLW ( hen ).
Do you have any particular experience with these breeds? Temperment? Egg Laying? Show Quality?
any advice or tips would be great. thanks for the help.
My SLW's are only 7 weeks, but they're very sweet. They can be a bit skittish sometimes, and do have some attitude. They think they're all that until a car starts up some where.
But they're cute and fun to hold.
Just saw this post and Im not sure if it is to late or not?I have a golden lace and she is a sweetie.She is 16 months old.She will sit on my lap or fly up on to my back and go onto my shoulder when Im in the coop scraping the floor.She is sooo spoiled when I take the bucket of seeds out she wants to eat out of the bucket or my hand and not off the ground like the other girls.Her name is moe moe and she answers to mosey moe as well.She is very smart.I would love to get another G.L. we had freezing temps last year and have very hot summers,she tolerated them well.She actually would sit on my lap and let me put the vasoline on her comb,waddles and legs.The other ones I thought were black wyondottes and they are great but not overly friendly like Moe,they dont like being picked up either.They lay large brown eggs and moe lays little tinny brown eggs.
We have 3 SLW that are 9 weeks and 2 GLW that are 8 weeks. All of them are friendly. We have 31 chicks in our flock so they don't get the one-on-one attention that they would if they were the only chickens in the coop, but still they have become friendly. Some of them like to be held and others tolerate it. They all come running if they think you have a treat! They are starting to get the lace pattern now. I really like them.
I got one SLW and one GlW chick in April this year. They were both very shy compaired to my other breeds. The GL was killed by the neighbors dog:(, it was very sad! But the SL is doing fine. My chicks have not layed eggs yet, so I don't know about production. But I do know that Audrey is the most beautiful of all my other breeds!
I have three hens and a roo. Well, for the time being I have a roo.
He is flirting with the stew pot as he keeps attacking my kids and I. So, I am not fond of him, but I think he is about the most beautiful roo I have ever seen. I love the hens. We have a lot of chickens, so none of ours are particularly tame, but the hens are calm and lay well. They have never gone broody, just keep laying away.
I LOVE my wyandottes
My SLW is my special girl... Belle is mommy's favorite
I have one SLW, one GLW and a buff wyandotte roo. They're only 2 1/2 months old now so as far as egg production, I don't know... but they're so special that I don't care if I ever get an egg from them

here is Belle on my arm :
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I have 2 SLW and after getting rid of our roo, one stepped up as the "alpha" girl. During treat time, she walks around everyone clucking and making noise to make sure everyone is getting their fair share. If one seems a little too "piggish" she pecks at them to get her back in line. She's super-bossy and is always making so much noise
They are gorgeous girls and are laying for me as well. Mine are about 5 mos old.
I have two GLW pullets (9 wks old). I actually can't tell them apart.
However, I'm assuming that one is more curious than the other b/c one always comes in the hen house to see what I'm doing in there. They seem like they will turn out to be nice girls. No aggresive behaviors as of yet, pretty mild mannered.

Interesting observation I've had: I have noticed that the breeds will group together. The GLW seem to like each other and hang together, same with the RIRs, Red Stars and BR's.
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