Golden Comet Chickens, HELP!

My Golden Comets were raised with Ducks. They are free range during the day and they all stay in the dog cratge at night. My comets stand in the pond like they are ducks and the are soft and friendly, They like to come sit on the porch with us, the other 2 that I don't know what they are don't do that.
I did not realize there were different types of comets. I saw a picture of one the other day and loved it

If anyone has pics to share, please post them so i can decide what color i want. Maybe all of them

I think it was a buff looking bird with the buff tapering off to white. I would like to find out what color that is called
You need to keep the cat away from them, at least until they are almost grown. The cat would be a predator to them, nails or not, so they must stay nervous and upset. Don't put them through that.
Is it normal for them to fight amongst themselves? When they're inside they seem bored and start fighting amongst themselves over pine pieces one of them finds etc. So today I put them in a cage outside. I am done with their coop but I need to move it and I need help with that, a man, its just me-(single mom)- and a 11 yr old and we tried to lift it today...thats a no go. I then need to build their chicken run. I put them in the cage outside to get them used to being outside and so that they wouldn't be bored. As soon as I put them back inside though they seem to start fighting again. Fortunately their coop is big enough for probably 10 chickens so it'll be enough room for them to spread around. Is this normal?
We have them, too. They are funny, lots of personality, and entertaining, very curious. Ours are older now, 3yrs and up, and starting to turn grey. Tney're still good for laughs and companionship, starting to slow down a bit on laying.
They will fight some, in order to establish a pecking order. When they're in their permanent home outside, they should be better, as long as they have plenty of room. They may be fighting now because they are overcrowded.
I don't have any good ones of Goldie's face, but these really show off her feathering. I think she's beautiful and her feathers are so, so soft. She's so sweet, too.



This one isn't very clear but it shows her sister Ruby in the back.

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