- Jun 9, 2019
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I had to look at the hatch date I had to double-check and triple-check and then the next day go back and recheck again to see that it had only been 13 weeks and sure enough I have a hen that started laying at 13 weeks she is a golden Comet her sister started at 14 weeks and I have two New Hampshire red hens one has just started laying at 14 weeks and the second New Hampshire red is displaying laying Behavior but hasn't laid one yet but is going to any day I have to say if you're after eggs the golden comment is the chicken to get they are also very people-friendly but they do not like submissive chickens ones that are not high on the totem pole or pecking order as its so-called I'm kind of bummed out that I got the New Hampshire Reds cuz they seem to be the most aggressive but they are leader hens also they are oldest and then I have four Roosters the smallest one being the most aggressive (3 are BLK austrolorp roos one hen) and one EE roo too and we're working on almost 6 months of age and they have a few tips here and there but they get along pretty good and those are black australorps which are great with other chickens and great with people these roosters are friendly and right up in your face.. I tamed all of my chickens right from the minute I got them I handled them everyday numbers of times and as they were getting older I gave them names which is very important to have a personal bond with your chicken and I'm very new at this but I have learned that my chickens look at me like their Alpha follow me everywhere all 12 and every single one of them will come get in your lap.. you can pick them up and the roosters too with some complaint but very little.. Also have americaunas EE that are super friendly and noon aggressive and one buff orpington and she's super sweet but shy as are my EEs