Hi I have a really crazy question to ask.
I have raised New Hampshire Reds and White Rocks for the pourpose of making Golden Comets. Well with that said when hatching these fertale eggs the are coming out looking like Cream Rhodebar. When the males should be coming out white and females should be red with white tips on tail and wings, The males are coming out with blackish grey barring and females with cream barring.So here is what I am thinking. I bought my chicks from Welp Hatchery I am figuring that they used some type of barred Rock to make the reds there for making them not pure breed. My question is how many generations do I have to breed to make them pure breed.( New Hamp Reds and White Rocks)
I have raised New Hampshire Reds and White Rocks for the pourpose of making Golden Comets. Well with that said when hatching these fertale eggs the are coming out looking like Cream Rhodebar. When the males should be coming out white and females should be red with white tips on tail and wings, The males are coming out with blackish grey barring and females with cream barring.So here is what I am thinking. I bought my chicks from Welp Hatchery I am figuring that they used some type of barred Rock to make the reds there for making them not pure breed. My question is how many generations do I have to breed to make them pure breed.( New Hamp Reds and White Rocks)