Golden comet slight cross break


Crossing the Road
Premium Feather Member
Aug 23, 2020
I noticed our one GC pullet's beak has started to cross. We bought them at about 22 weeks old and their beaks looked like the has been clipped. They are growing out now and Cosmos' is not lining up. It isn't terrible but I'm wondering if it will keep getting worse, and if I should trim it.

Any advice on what action (or not) to take?


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What and how are you feeding?

You can try filing the lower beak a little to see if that helps.
She may end up cross-beaked, hard to know, but I would wonder if she's doing a lot of pecking and causing a slight misalignment.
They get layer pellets, mostly from a 4" diameter pvc feeder, then I have a few bowls I put some in for extra feed stations. They free range every day for 7 plus hours.

I'll have to watch her to see if she eats differently from the others. Maybe when her beak was clipped before they got it crooked and now it's growing out crossed? I know you can really mess up a horse's feet with a bad trim.
They get layer pellets, mostly from a 4" diameter pvc feeder, then I have a few bowls I put some in for extra feed stations. They free range every day for 7 plus hours.

I'll have to watch her to see if she eats differently from the others. Maybe when her beak was clipped before they got it crooked and now it's growing out crossed? I know you can really mess up a horse's feet with a bad trim.
It's possible that's what happen, it's also possible that it's developmental and may become more misaligned over time since cross beak is thought to be genetic or an incubation issue.
If the beak had never been clipped, it may have been more pronounced by now, but who knows.
As long as she's eating good and getting her cropped filled when she goes to roost, hopefully she will be just fine.

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