Golden Eagles attacked Bantan Rooster today


In the Brooder
Dec 22, 2015
We live on a ranch just outside the San fancisco Bay Area, in the Altamont Pass, a region that has many birds of prey. Today, and we have never experienced such an attack, two Golden Eagles had our Bantam rooster in its talons and was lifting off when I hard the rooster's screams and went running flapping my arms, screaming - probably in itself, a scary sight for the Eagles to see. It did he trick and the Bantam was released from about 15 feet off the ground but was not hurt, just scared and a few feathers lighter. The other birds of prey, several Hawks, that were perched on the near fence were reluctant to leave even after the Eagles took flight and were only persuaded to go with the firing of the shotgun in the air. This was a very aggressive group hunt and I am wondering if anyone has experienced anything like this. By the way, Squeeky, our Bantam rooster is okay, just a little shaken and will stay closer to the flock from now on, I bet. Our chickens are free range but have a large hen house with a large run that they roost in at night. I will keep them in there for a few days until the eagle situation is better understood.
Wow that Squeeky is lucky. But if they had Squeeky in their talons doesn't that mean he has pretty deep puncture wounds?
I tried to save a rabbit once that was swooped up by a hawk and was not lucky enough to save him. That bothered me for a long time.

Although I've seen Bald Eagles...I have never seen them hanging around.
I think he is hurt pretty bad but he was just on adrenaline after the attack. He is in hiding, I suspect that he is under the hen house. Because of his size, he can fit in the smallest spaces. Tomorrow morning we will pull up some planks and find him. Unfortunately, his wife, our broading hen is missing and we fear the worst for her. I guess in the morning we will search for our answers.
Update on Squeeky the Bantam Rooster that was almost a snack for 2 golden eagles. He is doing okay, but still refuses to come out of the hen house. He will not cock a doodle do either. Before this, he was the most annoying, horneyest little sob and I have threatened him several times with a pot! (No danger, we do not eat meat) His wife is also traumatized as a witness to the attack as she also stays in. They are both eating well so I am not too worried but the entire episode sure did put a damper on this little guys personality. I've been paying attention to the sky and have seen a couple of eagles a day or so after but nothing more. Neighbor also saw two eagles roosting on phone poles a day or two after our attack. There are always Falcons, Hawks, and endangered white tailed Kites soaring above and around the hills as the wind is perfect for effortless flight in our area. I now know what an eagle looks like in flight and does fly much different than the other birds of prey so I am vigilant and always checking for potential dangers. An eagle attack was not on my bucket list and I expected Marlin Perkins to step out at any second, still feeling a bit incredulous. . Also, I am not opening their door when it is overcast or cloudy, when these birds become voricious hunters.

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