Golden Laced Polish...supposed to have beards and muffs or none?


10 Years
Apr 19, 2009
Hi, we have about 11 Gold Laced Polish from ideal poultry and we noticed one definitely has HUGE muffs and a beard, while the others just have wattles coming in.

So are they supposed to have beards and muffs for the gold laced variety or just have wattles?

I know nothing much about Polands but was curious & did a search.
This looked interesting....
they are recognized in both bearded and nonbearded, though most beardeds have some nonbearded blood in them as you can see by the males having wattles.
Is it also the same with Nonbeared varieties once in a while having beards and muffs? I don't think Ideal's Polish are the bearded variety since the illustrations they chose for the gold laced show the nonbearded variety and so far I think this one juvenile is the only one with a beard and muff while the other gold laced just have wattles coming in (other than my all white polish which came from a private breeder), plus our buff laced polish from there also does not have a beard.

And could in this situation with one of them having beards and muffs in the group indicate gender, or is it the same with Ameraucanas and EEs that they can once in a while produce some rumpless birds?

Yep just confirmed today only the one gold laced has the beard and muffs.

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