Golden Laced Wyandotte Roo?

The comb thing is all dependent on age. A cockerel can start turning red early, from 4 weeks in some cases, but will be red by the time their 8 weeks. A pullet will start to turn red about 16 weeks on.
This is one of mine last week.
Totally off topic, but I bought my GLW at a feed store and read the name as “why-Ann-dote” because, well, I’d never seen that name before and never heard it pronounced before. Two days ago I was talking to a subcontractor on one of my job sites and the topic changed to chickens (hmm, I wonder why?) and he corrected me and said the name is pronounced “win-dot”.

Is that really how it is pronounced? Us Wyandotte owners need to come to an agreement!
Totally off topic, but I bought my GLW at a feed store and read the name as “why-Ann-dote” because, well, I’d never seen that name before and never heard it pronounced before. Two days ago I was talking to a subcontractor on one of my job sites and the topic changed to chickens (hmm, I wonder why?) and he corrected me and said the name is pronounced “win-dot”.

Is that really how it is pronounced? Us Wyandotte owners need to come to an agreement!
I think you'll get a lot of varying answers on that one. To the best of my knowledge it's pronounced "whine-dot" or "why-in-dot" but I believe the native people it was named after had their name pronounced more like "win-dot" or "wan-dot" but as nobody really speaks that language or is alive from that time period ..good luck getting a proper answer

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