Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

Ok this is my other GLW that's the same age. She looks alot diff. I think she'll stay a girl. Do you think there's a chance the first is a girl or are you fairly certain a boy?
I have a question, I have silver laced wyandottes and the roosters wings, shoulders got very white. Do gold laced wyandottes wings or shoulders get golden to sex them ealier than waiting for saddle feathers to come in?
Guys how do I sex golden laced wyandotte chicks
I breed gold laced wyandottes and so far I haven't found a way to determine sex of chicks at an early age. I usually wait till the chicks are about 5 weeks old and look for any reddening combs (which the boys may start to develope). It's much harder to sex rose comb birds as the combs don't develop as quickly. Another way to sex them is when they're about 5 weeks look at the chicks legs and see if any of the chicks have very large thick legs ( these will be the boys). The male birds will also tend to be quite bold compared to the females who are often more timid :)

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