Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

This is my baby, Nando. He's a 3 1/2 month old roo who I had to give away. He's the best chicken ever and I loved him so much. I visit him every Sunday and he still remembers me. I can call his name and he will race over to greet me! He gets to run around with the hens, even though he's sorta anti-social towards other birds (he was hand raised). Golden Laced Wyandottes are amazing, but I could never get another after how amazing little Nando was.

My lovely daughter with GLW

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I aquired some golden lace wyndottes a couple months ago I am still not sure what I have. They are supposed to be 7 months old now and I think I have one that is a bantam . They are not laying yet. I am pretty sure I have 2 or 3 roosters out of the 10 I got . Any suggestions would be appreciated. I took pictures but idk how to post them.
I don't have a golden laced wyandotte though it is a black laced red. I started a thread but nobody has posted on it except me. So if any of you have Black Laced Wyandottes please check out the thread.

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