Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

People on here said that mine was a black laced red. Yours looks exactly like mine. Check out the thread I started. It hasn't took off yet though.
Yes, I certainly will!

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Can anyone tell me if these are hens or Roos? They are 9 weeks old - hoping for one Roo for my ladies
the first two photos are one and the last two are another



This is my Agnes. She is 6 weeks old in this picture (last Sunday). Her head finished feathering today. She's going to be so pretty.

The last pic also has Evelyn my Black Austrlorp.

She's gorgeous! My Gold Laced Wyandotte is named Agnes too! 7 weeks old now. Except, I have to rename the poor thing because we found out she's actually a he! Anyone have ideas on what to name him? I'm at a loss. My other girl that also turned out to be a boy is named Mrs. Doubtfire. Lol.

Here are some pictures of "Agnes".

"Agnes" with Mrs. Doubtfire in the background.

Can anyone tell me if these are hens or Roos? They are 9 weeks old - hoping for one Roo for my ladies
the first two photos are one and the last two are another

They all look like hens to me. Here's my 7 week old that we thought was a female but turned out to be a male. See how big his comb is at 7 weeks old? If you have any males they'll have a bigger comb than what your girls have at the same age.

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. Bummer - I really wanted one Roo. LOL

I'd offer to ship him to you, but apparently shipping a live animal from California to Maine would be $19 for the special box and $46 for 2-day shipping. That's a bit steep!

You could check your local area for anyone wanting to give one away. I'm sure there are lots. When we bought our chicks we bought 4 females and 1 male. Surprise, surprise! Two of the females turned out to be males! There's got to be someone nearby you who had the same thing happen.
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