Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!




I was supposed to get two females. Oh well. The male has a gimpy wing, the first 3-4 feathers stick out. Is there a way to fix this or will he grow out of it?

He will most likely lose those on one of his molts.
I think everyone is super busy right now, I know I have been with picking up after 100+ molting chickens, scrubbing down grow out pens, etc.
LOL! No you didn't :-D one of my buff orphingtons was all scraggy looking feathers all sticking out to be honest I thought he was sick and he was the last to shed his chick down well he quickly turned that around and became the biggest and the most beautiful rooster of 4.

I killed the thread.....::oops:s::
I have a couple early birds in my incubator, one Meatie and one Wyandotte (my first!). The eggs were due to hatch tomorrow evening. Hubby and I got to watch the little Wyandotte kick out of its shell. I feel like an excited little kid.

(The nest under the neighbor's broody hen was robbed the night before it was due to hatch - only one chick and it looks like my black bantam hens.)
Hey GLW peeps. New to chickens... I have 4 hens. 2GLWs and 2 Easter Eggers. All are 26 weeks of age. My EEs have been laying like champs now for 4 weeks, wondering if GLWs are late to mature. They are so big and pretty but definitely bossy to their egg laying companions. Starting to wonder about these 2.
This is Eve, my little GLW who was scalped earlier this year. I brought her back to full health and she is now fully integrated back into the flock!!!

Here are some pictures of her scaring. You can see that her ear lobe is growing back strangely (as both were pecked off in the attack). The feathers are growing back, but it makes her look like she has a mullet!

Her feathering is quite interesting as well. It looks almost penciled....Here are some close ups. The feathers are much different on her back than on her breast.


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