Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

Any GLW breeders here near New York State? Looking for some hatching eggs. Don't need show birds, don't want hatchery, just a good heritage/utility Wyandotte.
She looks picture perfect for a GLW too!

She has a single comb - Wyandottes ought to have a rose comb (like your SLW in the first picture). If you are wanting to breed just for fun or eggs, it's no big deal. The SC gene is recessive to the rose comb gene, which is why it still pops up over a century after the standard was set to RC. I have two SC GLWs in my January hatch, which confirms my suspicion that rooster is carrying the gene, and means one of my hens is also.
Don't need show birds, don't want hatchery, just a good heritage/utility Wyandotte.
I sincerely wish you the best of luck in your search! I went looking over a year ago, and when I didn't find what I wanted, I started a project to make it, using hatchery and breeder stock. I am now hatching my first generation in this project. Several pages back is a discussion of my little "mad scientist experiment."
Taffy 3 weeks


Laffy 3 weeks

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