Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!


Hi everyone, I have had this 16 week old GLW for one week and I am wondering if it's common for this breed to take longer than others to get their tail feathers. My other 3 (different breeds, same age) have theirs. It looks like they are trying to come in, I'm just curious. Thanks!

Hi everyone, I have had this 16 week old GLW for one week and I am wondering if it's common for this breed to take longer than others to get their tail feathers. My other 3 (different breeds, same age) have theirs. It looks like they are trying to come in, I'm just curious. Thanks!
That's been my experience. I have one full GLW hen and her tailfeathers took longer than the other hens (of other breeds) to come in. Her progeny, especially a mixed cockerel that looks very GLW, have had the same slow tailfeather growth...I was beginning to wonder if he would grow tailfeathers at all. I think it took a few months before his rooster tailfeathers started coming in. We have another of her chicks that's about 3 weeks old and it really only has a "bump" on the rump right now, still really tiny/short chick-type tailfeathers (the feathers will eventually come in).
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I have two GLWs and for the longest time we were afraid one was going to be a rooster. But, thankfully, they both are hens. About 22+ weeks now and my favorite, Frederika, is suddenly doing the submissive squat, so she's pretty close to laying. Both she and her sister have occasionally dropped some "duds" on the poop board in the last few weeks. Josephine has a long lovely tail and even has some longer saddle feathers, and the dark edges on her feathers are more iridescent green than Fred's are. She's taller and a little bigger too. That's why we always thought she might be a roo. Fred has a shorter tail that curves under her a little, and I keep hoping hers will get longer like Jo's. Fred is my "love bird"... she sits on me and cuddles, and jumps up on my back when I'm out bending over scooping up poop in the run. She's such a sweetie. Josephine, on the other hand, is very skittish and won't let me near her. I hope she changes once she starts laying! She was the protector of the two little white silkies we had that were the same age. She kept the older hens from pecking at them. Maybe that's why she developed the more rooster-like characteristics.. I dunno. I ended up re-homing the silkies last week. One turned out to be a rooster and he was just too noisy. None of the neighbors complained, but we aren't supposed to have roosters, so I didn't want to end up under the town's radar. It was sad to see them go, but they went to a place where there's lots of other chickies and more silkies to run around with.
Hiii! Proud mama of 3 GLW pullets. I had eight, 7 hens and a rooster, and I was glad I had a roo, but a weasel ate 5. :( So, here are some pictures of the remaining 3.



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