Golden Wyandotte age of egg laying

Wow! I am in the almost exact same situation! I have a GLW and a SLW, both around 5 months, and they aren't showing any signs of laying, but they are both getting pretty HUGE! Unfortunately I am completely new to this, so I have no idea!

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful!
yes well two days ago my GLW laid her first egg and she was 27 weeks old don't listen to the internet they will tell you 18 weeks old, way off.
I have 3 glw and 3 slw about 23.5 weeks old and haven't started laying either 2 of my girls combs and waddled have grown and they now have a little what I'm calling unicorn horn on their comb and their combs and waddled went from pink to red so I'm hoping soon also
I have two Wyandottes (a Columbian and a Silver Laced) this year, hatched April 19. I’m honestly not expecting eggs for another month, at least. I had a Columbian in my last flock and she didn’t lay until 9 months or so, and after that, was maybe 3 eggs a week, tops, AND she went broody all the time! I’m not sure what I was thinking getting more 😂

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