Golf Balls for Brown Egg Layers??


7 Years
Sep 3, 2012
I think my girls are really close to starting to lay. Since they free range around our property, I wanted to encourage them to lay in their nesting boxes. I put in some white golf balls in the nesting boxes but I'm not sure that this will work because they are brown egg layers.

Does this color difference matter?
. If they haven't laid their first egg then they do not know they lay brown eggs. I doubt the color difference would bother them.
Most of my girls lay brown eggs and all I've ever used is golf balls. In fact I had one broody that would steal all the golf balls to sit on. They don't care about egg color.
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All three of mine are brown layers. I leave two white golf balls in the nest at all times. I've only had one egg placed in the wrong spot, a pullet egg in the run during one of the girls' first days.

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