GONE to a good home - Naked Necks Chicks - Northern CA -PICS!!!!

Well I'm down if your game.
Even bird humor, you think it might be some kind of genetic defect?
I thought it was funny..... lol
I'm checking my email now, will give you a call inna few
You know what else is funny, you're message went to the junk folder because it said Naked!!! LOL good thing I thought to check there when I didn't see it!!! At least I know my spam guard is working....
im sorry but those are prolly the uglyliest chicks alive!!!!
shhhh you will hurt their feelings, it's not they fault they look like that!!!
ppl either love or hate the ugly. I don't think there is a middle ground for this breed. I was surprised how quickly they grew on me. Such funny personalities already! I had a hard time giving them up!
Hey Jasmin,
...and to think I came to your home wearing a collarless shirt!
I beg to differ with anyone who doesn't think these aren't the cutest alien ostrich x baby's they had ever seen.
They went into the brooder and got rite down to business with no fear or shyness. Really freaky cutie.
Thank you so much.
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