gonna ground me some kids! WARNING RANT AND PO'D IN GENERAL!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks for cheering me up guys n gals.
Having 3 small kiddies of my own I have no problem with a swat or two if deserved but I had a thought that might help next time (after the dust settles

How bout giving each of them 5 or 10 eggs of their own? Mark the eggs and let them keep an eye on the bator for you? Then when the eggs hatch mark the chicks so they can watch them grow and have a feeling of MINE! instead of "stupid eggs!"

My guys messed up a hatch once - our first one - but it was just a case of "this nob turns, ooooooo NEAT" rather than any wish to cause the eggs harm. In fact, each time after that one hatch, they were up on the table 12 times a day checking if the eggs were hatching

If you cant beat them - pun intended
- suck them into the hobby, and if the culprit doesnt care about their eggs, I think the others will and will guard them well.
That's what I'm here for! Besides I've been on hold 23 minutes.....

for what?
I would have them break open each egg (let them all do it if no one confesses) and let them see the little lives that were destroyed ---
hahaha I did spank my son in public once oh what a funny thing it was. He was 5 and we were in Sears. He was running in and out of the clothes racks and knocked some stuff down so I gave him the warning "If you run through there again your butt is mine got it?" to which I got the "yes mommy" Not 10 seconds later the little toe rag took off to do it again. I was waiting on the other side when he came out and I snatched him up, spun him around and smacked his backside with hand. He started kicking his feet and throwing a tantrum and I smacked his butt again and was about to get a good third one in when this woman grabbed my arm.
and announced that if I "beat" that child again she would get the manager.

So I snarled at her to get her hand off of me before she lost it and found it located far south of her waistline and not dare tell me how to raise and discipline my child. She screamed she was going for the manager and I said GO GET THE MANAGER WENCH.

She comes back with manager and proceeds to point at me and say I was beating that innocent little boy. Manager asked what was going on and I said "He was warned about running through your clothing racks, he did it again and I smacked his backside, then he pitched a fit he got it again and would have gotten it a third time until this woman assaulted me by placing her hands on me" I sneered at the wench standing beside the manager and then smiled at him and said "Hi Daddy",
the manager aka my father turned to my son and said "Boy, you know better and if you do it again I will beat your butt till you cannot sit down do you hear me?" The tears fell and this little tiny voice said "yes sir papa". The woman's eyes were the size of basketballs and I let her have it full force. I told in no uncertain terms that putting her hand on someone could get her butt kicked into the next county and to try to tell someone how to discipline their child would result in the same. I offered her directions to another sunny an warm location further south from me and florida.

And frankly, I do not care what the law says...it is my job to raise a respectful, courteous, well manner, bright young adult. If I am legally responsible for their actions then I will control their actions so that they behave in a manner that I approve of. This whimpy laid back "time out" and "Talk to them" crude is for the birds. Look at the majority of youth today and tell me it works. Then look at us in 40's and older who got the blue blazes beat out of us with hickory switches, wooden spoons, paddles and etc ON OUR BACKSIDES...and tell me which result you would prefer.

Nope mine will do as I say and they will behave in the manner I tell them to at all times even when I am not present or they will answer to me.
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That's what I'm here for! Besides I've been on hold 23 minutes.....

for what?

Trying to get the 5yr old into K next fall, but it's a special situation, he's tested into 2nd grade, and they seemed to have screwed up his paperwork badly.
Do you remember having to go out back and having to get your own switch? I used to get an extra lick every time I brought back one that wasn't satisfactory. It was a balancing act. Did I want to bust my a$$ for real, or could I find something in the middle that wouldn't kill me?

Needless to say, my parents never owned a brush hog.

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