Gonna have to cull :( *UPDATE: Amazing recovery *Graphic pics Post #82

That's what padlocks are for, lol. So glad to hear the chicks are improving though! My girls tag everything...my observant other half let me go most of an evening with a pile of chick poo on my back! Okay, I didn't notice it either, but I can't see my back!
Padlock in a sock....oh wait...that's not what you meant.
I miss the days when my biggest chicken concern was poop on my back.
For some reason this years chicks have all turned into a spoiled bunch of psychotic monsters. On a positive note...I no longer need to go to the doctor to have the mole removed from the back of my leg.
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Sick chicks 1 Dumb cat 0

Both of the injured chicks are doing well. I finally moved my daughter out of her room and covered everything with old sheets so they can run around and regain their strength. They will be reintroduced to the flock soon.

They have discovered a new fun time game to keep themselves occupied.
They now peep until the cat comes to the door. They then take turns poking their heads out from under the door while the cat swats at them. Picture "Whack-a-Mole" only with a cat and chickens.
Fortunately the chicks are too fast for the cat and the cat has kept her nails in. Just for the record, I do not approve of this game and have placed a towel under the door much to the dismay of all animals involved.
I hope you can post the pics soon! you realize that you are going to be so attatched to this roo after this you are never going to be able to get rid of him,right? is the other sick chick a pullet?
mother o' chicks72 :

I hope you can post the pics soon! you realize that you are going to be so attatched to this roo after this you are never going to be able to get rid of him,right? is the other sick chick a pullet?

My daughter's last day of school is tomorrow so hopefully she will have time to get me those pics.
The first chick is a pullet. The second I am almost positive is a roo. I am overflowing with roosters right now so there is no way I can keep him.
I am just hoping I can find him a good home where he will not become Sunday dinner.​
I think he should be called "Stevie WONDER," . I don't have experience with poo but, when my son was little he had the flu and missed the toilet and threw up into the heat register. Gag. I had to clean that out with long toothpicks and the stink was awful everytime the heat came on. Have to subscribe to this thread it is so uplifting. I hope both patients continue to do well and don't make you insane in the process.
lol @ Stevie Wonder

I don't even want to imagine the smell you had to deal with. My daughter threw up on a mattress when she was little and it took forever to get the smell out of the house.

As far as my sanity....I think I lost it years ago. I have 2 teenage daughters.
My oddball animals have probably contributed a bit though.
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