Good day!


5 Years
Apr 5, 2014
Northwest NM
I'm researching chicks/chickens for my mom. She bought 6 "red pullets" from the Tractor Supply Co a couple of weeks ago. I've only had rodents, and the usual cats and dogs before. Birds are a whole species I never thought I would own. They are cute, but so delicate!

My mom babysits 3 year old twins. They are undisciplined, and drive me nuts. When their mom came to pick them up, the mother let the kids handle the chicks. One was trampled, but with some advice from a long-time chicken owner she survived and is doing well.

Now, I have a new problem. The chicks are very active and eat an amazing amount. They are so curious and we love watching them. I've noticed recently they started to sneeze. Well, it has been about a week now. They all have soft formed poop. (I'm a nurse, so we're always watching poop. We can't help it.) Sometimes they'll shake their head and it feels like something sprinkles on me. When I feel their beaks, they are dry with no discharge. Their mouths are the same bubblegum pink they've always been. I just don't know if I should treat them with VetRx, or just leave them. Any advice?

I loved the tiny chicks, but actually taking care of them is a lot of work. I didn't really sign up for it, but my mom wants me to raise them so she has eventually has chickens. Isn't it usually the other way around? Anyway, they are fun to watch. This website has been a life saver! Thank you in advance for any tips, and your support. Have a wonderful day!


Welcome to BYC!

Congrats on the new babies! Nothing better than chick TV! And yes, usually it is mom that wants to raise the chicks, but maybe you are destined to be a great chicken keeper!

Dry sneezing is common in the brooder what with all the dust from the bedding and the dander the chicks themselves produce. As long as they don't have runny noses, watery eyes, wheezing and coughing, they should be fine. Just keep an eye on things. You are doing great!

Here is a link to our learning center here on BYC for lots of great tips on raising your new brood....

I have also included the link to raising babies for their first 60 days.

So glad you have you aboard and enjoy this new adventure!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! TwoCrows gave you some good links and advice to get you started. How old are the chicks now? They are a lot of work as chicks, but it does get easier, and you will enjoy the fresh eggs!
You could also take pictures of the poo and post on the Emergencies forum if you think there is something else going on Double check that their food looks fresh and that you aren't having mold problems in the brooder (happens pretty fast if the bedding gets wet from the water).
The chicks really need a bullet proof brooder to keep the kids out. Or move the brooder where the kids won't find them. I know what you mean about undisciplined kids.
Thank you everyone!! The chicks don't have runny noses! They seem to be doing just fine. They are very entertaining but now they're getting restless in their living quarters. The store didn't tell us how old the chicks were but we've had them for 3 weeks.

This was taken about 5 days ago. The one that seems to be looking into the camera chases the camera. I can be looking somewhere else but she'll photobomb me. I was trying to get a pic of the whole set up they have but I ended up with an extreme close up of her beak.
So, is it possible to accidentally have a cockerel instead of a pullet? The one I've dubbed Nugget was the youngest. She didn't have her tail yet, but in the last week she's developed a large pink comb and very thick legs. Just wondering if she may be a he. Either way, I'll still love her/him. Lol. Thanks everyone!!
I don't know if anyone else will read this, but my suspension of "Nugget" being male was correct. He has grown into a huge rooster. He tries to be intimidating, but I keep picking him up. No one else can, and he will chase after strangers. I'm ok with that. I've also noticed the whole flock of birds will chase after rattle snakes. The snakes will usually "run" for their lives. Oh, and is it normal for chickens to eat frogs? Thanks!
Yes, chickens eat frogs, mice, lizards, all kinds of things! LOL

I am happy you are enjoying your huge rooster Nugget!! Keep working with him. Roosters can turn on you, so never let your guard down with him. Always let him know you are in charge.

Enjoy your flock!!
There HAS been a decrease in the lizard population around their coop. I have a strange love for frogs, so I'm a bit squeamish when it comes to that idea. We renamed Nugget to Johnny Depp. He seems to respond to that better. My mom and aunt walk around with old broom handles when the chickens are out. Both for protection of themselves, and for protecting the chickens from our dogs.

They are wonderful entertainment. My mom will not eat the eggs, but our dogs are getting plenty of protein. Heh.


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