Good First Horror Movie For My 11 Year Old

When I want a horror movie (at my age) I always go for the "Cathoilic Church is the conspiratorial bad guy" movies - I love those

Omen, Exorcist, that type of flick.

Of course, it has to be the original Exorcist - and the original Omen (that remake of The Omen sucked badly

I also like Stigmata, and Serpent and the Rainbow - not catholic conspiracy ones, but good ones, still. (well, stigmata would fall into the "catholic conspiracy" type)

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Hey folks, this is for an 11 year old girl--most of the movies mentioned are way too much for that age.

Nightmare Before Christmas would be a good choice, along with other Tim Burton films, as would Gremlins.

Some of the Hitchcock movies would be good choices, but some are too mature for an 11-year old. Classics of Dracula and Frankenstein should work. There was an old, old movie called The Blob, and another called The Tingler.
My oldest was about 8 years old when he watched Troll and Pumpkinhead for the first time.

Of course, I had to hang garlic over his bedroom door for a year afterwards (just in case...)
but he loved those movies.

I think that it depends on the child whether they are ready for the more scary movies or not - some kids can handle them, some can't.

Only the parent can really decide which movies are ok - all we can do is offer suggestions (or reminders of good films the parent has seen but forgotten about

I do have to say, however, that one film I wouldn't let them watch was Nightmare on Elm Street - that one even gave me the heebie jeebies for awhile.

I think they didn't get to see that one until they were about 16 or so.

Mojo Chick'n :

I do have to say, however, that one film I wouldn't let them watch was Nightmare on Elm Street - that one even gave me the heebie jeebies for awhile.

I think they didn't get to see that one until they were about 16 or so.


I cant wait for the new one to come out.
I remember being little (Lady in the Tramp was taped over Nightmare on Elm Street so I always got to see the last like 30 mins of it..) and lying awake in my bed seeing the headlights coming in my window and wondering if Freddy Krueger was making his way down the street...

Bwwwwwwaaaaaaaahahahaha I just cant wait till the day...
She already has seen most of the Tim Burton movies including the singing one with Johnny Depp.
Sleepy Hollow is a great film and I don't know if that is the one with johnny depp you mentioned. Its a bit bloody and is rated R, but oh such a good movie!

I LOVED the Blob. Its not really scary, but what a great classic! I love watching the making of the Blob too.

I don't think 11 is too young for horror. I watched so many scary movie before that age and I never had nightmares, nor did my brother. My parents made it clear that those were movies and we were not to re enact or repeat anything we saw or heard. I mean, I had nights where I was afraid of monsters and ghosts, but what little kid doesn't? I think watching those movies definitely helped me avoid nightmares and the likes! Granted, some kids are more prone to them than others, but all my friends who were not allowed to watch scary or R rated movies at a younger age really had a tough time and they still do to this day.
Queing up all these movies on netflix as we speak....

EDITED: I vote JAWS as well. That should mess her up good...make her afraid of the deep end for a few years, but no people-hurting-people scenes. I think...
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my son's fav movie for a long time was Van Helsing, until we went to the family cabin in the woods and he saw me outside in the trees at night and thought I was a werewolf coming for him...(i was sneaking a cigarette) then he didn't watch it again for a year. He was 3 at the time.

The Village is a good scare at first, but it ends kinda dumb.
I would suggest any M. Night Shyamalan movie (spelt it right on the first try!!!woot!!)

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