Good First Horror Movie For My 11 Year Old

You must not have seen the UNRATED, not for theaters version. When the sister's in the tub.....It was GROSS. I don't want to get into too much detail on here. But it was BAD.

And you're right about The Last House on the Left. It would have been a good movie if they wouldn't have gotten SSSOOO detailed about that one scene. That just went too far. You already hated the bad guys. They didn't have to drag it on for 10 mins.
You must not have seen the UNRATED, not for theaters version. When the sister's in the tub.....It was GROSS. I don't want to get into too much detail on here. But it was BAD.

And you're right about The Last House on the Left. It would have been a good movie if they wouldn't have gotten SSSOOO detailed about that one scene. That just went too far. You already hated the bad guys. They didn't have to drag it on for 10 mins.

As far as mirrors goes I might have just turned my head.

I do that a lot in horror movies. I just don't watch the gross scenes.
Mojo -- I'm so glad someone else remembers "Something Wicked This Way Comes"! I saw it in high school and loved it!

We watched the original "Last Man on Earth" (Vincent Price) with our kids. It is suspenseful and thought-provoking. Now, when they see a scene with people banging on a door, one of them moans, "Mooorgaann . . ."

Either version of Hitchcock's "The Rear Window" is good, though I like the original much better. Now that I think about it, most of Hitchcock's stuff is good.

The original "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" is very suspenseful.

Does anyone remember a movie called "Let's Scare Jessica to Death"? I saw it at 11 (I'm sure it wasn't appropriate), but I don't recall much about it. The only scene I remember is when she finds a little vole, or mouse, or something in the yard, and someone comes in the night and kills it. That scene disturbed me more than anything else in the movie.
my son loved jeepers creepers at the age of 7 and he watched it and watched it and watched it

the last horror movie he loved had been a while because i got sick of buying dvds he loved was the grudge
How about Intensity by Dean Koontz. That movie was very suspenseful, and ended with the girl getting away after she killed the bad guy.
Also The Messengers was pretty creepy.
What about the Blair Witch Project?
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I LOVE Horror movies and watch them with my kids. Now, I'm not too fond of slasher flicks but you're right, they can be silly, stupid, funny sometimes. My faves are the old black and whites. We all loved Jeepers Creepers, even husband who hates horror movies.
Do not let her watch LAst House On The Left ... That movie was horrifying and I was 21 ... I havent seen the new one but if its anything like the first .... Just gives me shivers thinking about it...

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