good layers w/good personality???

I have eliminated a few of the breeds these are the remaining contenders: red sex-link (newly added to list), Black Austrolorp, Delaware, and EE. I am particularly thinking about getting 1-Black Austrolorp, 1- Red Sex-link, and 1-EE. Thanks for suggesting getting three just in case. The only reason I decided against Barred Plymouth Rocks was because of their size. Always open to more suggestions/comments. Where do you think the best place to order them would be? I would prefer to order from Meyer hatchery since they are a BYC sponsor but, I didn't see and red sex-links on their website, all I saw were golden Buffs (same thing?).
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it does appear meyer's red sex link is the golden buff. black stars have similar mannerisms as the red sex link. since you are only looking for a small number of chickens, you should check your local feed store first. many of the hatcheries don't ship small quantities of birds. I think Ideal does (another byc sponsor) but check the hatchery website for minimum orders. I know our local feed stores have red sex links as well as the odd EE's from time to time.

BTW, a red sex link is going to be in the 6/7 lb range almost the same weight as a barred rock. red sex links are part rhode island red which are medium sized of the large breed birds 7/8 lbs. The black sex link is part plymouth/barred rock (I think, not positive). The sussex is also in the 7lb range and well adjusted to cold weather.
I have Buff Orps too and they are the best birds! I researched birds for a long time before I picked a breed and couldn't be happier. They didn't lay until they were 5 months old, but once they started, they've been consistent. Believe it or not, on the coldest days I've had all 5 of my birds lay in one day. One of the girls already lays eggs the size of a duck egg. My girls’ free range, but when they see Mom come out, they run to greet me. My neighbors stop to ask me what I do that keeps them around. I think the truth is the breed. They're just the best birds!

Buff Orps are some of your heavier birds, usually a bit larger than the Barred Rocks. Why is that you want only smaller birds, if I may ask? My BR girl, Lexie, only weighs about five pounds(she's extra small for a standard) and my other BRs only about six or slightly more.
It's not that I only want small birds I just don't want HUGE birds like brahmas, and cochins, etc. I actually think that I am going to to get a Barred Rock, but I also would really like to get a sex-link and a black austrolorp, and a EE. But I can only have two, but I'm going to get three (if I convince my parents, because I have to order three. I think before I order any I'm going to go to the feed stores in a couple of towns.
I love Australorps; that's no secret! They lay and lay for years and are easy keepers. Some of the hens I've had have been a bit opinionated, and they've always ended up as the dominant hen of whatever breeds I've had at the time. However, they have always been well-mannered with me, and don't seem to mind being handled. The one Australorp roo that I had was an absolute sweetie.
I'm a newbie to the chicken world and I'll be getting mine in March. I have a (dumb) question. What is the life expectancy for a healthy hen? I'm getting Buff Orps and Blck Austros.

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