Good news... & bad news... post yours...


11 Years
Jul 31, 2008
I'll start...

Good news... my snake has gotten her appetite back!

bad news.... she BIT ME!!!


nothing serious though she is a 5' long Ball python
Ouch! Looks painful.....


Good news: My mom is getting chinese food for dinner.

Bad news (Okay, it isn't really bad news, but I'm very very hungry right now.
) : I have to wait half an hour for her to get back with it!
hahaha bad news to Chinese food.... your hngry in an hour after a trip to the bathroom...LOL

and no.. its not painful... I was actually in shock I stood there while she coiled around my hand... then said ummmmm Tristian (my son) can you come unwrap her tail...LOL
Good News-

They changed my sons bus stop to right outside my house- WOOT!! NO more driving him to his stop!

More good news-

A buyer for a national chain has decided to put one of our products on the shelves- BIGGER WOOT!!

Bad news-

Not too bad, just cant get my daughters bus stop changed to in front of our house, despite her current stop being to dangerous for her to walk on, so we still have to drive her to and from her stop.

Good News-

Her stop is only 1/4 of a mile away! Sound close to us, but its along a blind S curve with no room to walk along the side without getting hit by speeders. But still, pretty close!
hahaha bad news to Chinese food.... your hngry in an hour after a trip to the bathroom...LOL

and no.. its not painful... I was actually in shock I stood there while she coiled around my hand... then said ummmmm Tristian (my son) can you come unwrap her tail...LOL

First off that is so cool that you have a ball python I want one so bad and I want to eat dinner at your house tonight chickendiva25

Good news… My 5 Silkies have finally grown up
Bad news… 3 are cockerels and they are the tamest ones
thats great getting stops changed can be hard!

for the national chain news.. thats fantastic... (can I ask what it is) .. gotta promote sales ya know..LOL
Good news: I am 45 miles from the epicenter of the eathquake, but no damage here.

Bad news: The hurricane is comming. I am also close to the Cheasapeake Bay.

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