Good news... & bad news... post yours...

Well.. the reason it's bad news is because I react very badly to anethesia, LOL! The hysterectomy isn't such a bad thing in itself. I have PCOS, have one beautiful child, don't plan on having anymore since I think it would probably be hard on my body (botched gallbladder surgery a few months after she was born), and have cycles just like the ones you described only very heavy (TMI anyone?). I'm about ready just to let them take everything and get it over with. Just very worried about the anesthesia aspect.

I react too.. I get violent and aggressive... when i had the Endometrial ablation as I was coming out of the anesthesia i was madder then a wet hen and I was letting everyone know about it.. the poor nurse she tried to take my temp I grabbed the lil ear probe and threw it... they had to give me Valium till i came totally out of the anesthesia and then let the Valium wear off .. but I was aware of this reaction and I told them ahead of time.... just leave me be till I am back on this planet and all will be good but nope they cant listen to you!

Yipes! My bad reaction is just that I go into respiratory distress and my blood pressure plummets into nearly non-existance! I'd rather be violent, LOL!
Good news: the guys named the stupid dog Lucy

Bad news: turns out, that's what the neighbor's named their dog too.
Good News: I finally got that trail cam I wanted to see what comes around my Chicken Coop.

Bad News: So far, the only pictures I got is of my own assets.
Good News: My daughter flunked her driving test. Yes! This is good news as I have a little while longer before I have to do some major worrying!!!)

Bad News: I still have to drive her 2 hours a day to school everyday...But I get to talk to her during that time, its really not so Bad News.
The good news is (now I love my kids) but they will all be away for the weekend!

The bad news is that I'm ultra broke.......Too much on the credit cards.......

And I guess I like to end in a good note and that good news is, at least I have a good, steady job, so that I can pay my bills.....

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