Good or Spoiled Eggs


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 29, 2013
Los Gatos, California
I went on a trip last month and had to leave the girls to fend for themselves. They did fine, but of course the eggs had to sit for a couple days. I brought them in and kept in fridge. I haven't wanted to toss them, so hard boiled them today. Now worried about whether they are safe to eat, even though they smell fine. Would they have a bad smell if they are spoiled? It wasn't very hot on the days that they sat in the coop, probably not over low 70's at most.

What do you think? Should they be safe to eat?
A couple of days out in temps in the 60s? I wouldn't even bat an eye. A lot of people don't refrigerate eggs at all. They're good on the counter for weeks as long as they're not washed. If you were really worried about them, you could have float tested them but it's too late now that they're boiled. I would bet good money on them being just fine. If you're still concerned, you can always feed them back to the chickens, but unless there's something you're not telling us, I'm sure they'r fine.

In many countries outside the US, they do not wash the eggs, and do not refrigerate.

The natural bloom keeps the impurities in check.

Once you wash them, off comes the natural bloom, and then should refrigerate.
Ok so how about this one: my Rhode Island red has been laying outside the coop. I couldn't find where for awhile, but I found them today. It's been in the low 70's and they were in the shade. I found 8!! I really don't want to throw them away. I only have 3 chickens so every egg counts. However, I really don't know how old they are. I have been keeping record of each egg I get for the past 15 days and of those 15 she has given me eggs in the coop 10 times. So I know that some eggs are older than 15 days. Throw them away?
Float test. If they sink, they're likely fine. It depends on your comfort level though. If YOU aren't comfortable, don't eat them. If they float but you're still not sure, just feed them to your chickens or dogs or whatever. That's okay, too.
I go on the smell and appearance. In my experience, if an egg smells okay and looks normal when cracked into a dish, there's nothing "hidden" in it that's going to make you sick. A bad or off egg announces itself quite readily. A bad smell, or loss of quality such as being very runny when cracked, it will just look off and you'll know it's not prime. It's just good habit to crack eggs into a separate bowl, just to check.

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