Good resource for learning about raising turkeys?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 22, 2011
Does anyone have any resources to suggest to read up about turkeys before we decide to raise them? We currently raise heritage breed chickens for both eggs and meat and are considering buying some heritage turkeys this year. I have a friend that has raised just a few turkeys from the feed store once who has shared a little info, but I'm the type that likes to research before I jump into a new project. From what I've read I was considering possibly Bourbon Reds since they are a medium size and supposedly on the docile side since we have young children. We do not live in an area with blackhead so I've heard it would be fine to let them free range with our chickens. We would likely keep a breeding trio (2 hens and a tom) for next years turkeys.

Thank you for any advice :)
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other than going to a store and buying a turkey book, which I'm trying to avoid, I'm doing alot of reading right here. I have ordered my first 3 poults for around the end of April, haven't ever had them before either. I have had chickens for a year now.
Thanks. I've been browsing the threads and it seems pretty straight forward after already raising chickens.
Ive been setting here the last couple of night trying to sketch up some sort of turkey structure, stable yet inexpensive. I'm looking at at least 20 / 2x4x8's I think. Gonna buy a cheap full sized door, a screen door, and build from there. I do't believe I'd ever need to raise more thsan 3 at a time, one for us for holidays, one for my sons family and one for???? HAHAHAHAHA, you know, maybe keep a pet if I got one that was super nice.

I have found out the the BBB which I've ordered can get up to 40# by 4 months and finish at 60-70 easily. and because of the rapid weight gain can develope joint and leg issues and have a hard time getting around. I was thinking I wanted BB so they wouldn't be fliers and I wouldn't have to worry about keeping them home but they also cannot breed by themselves because of the huge breast. UG. Oh well, live and learn, I won't get this kind again I don't think, but Ive already ordered these so will see what happens.

Keep me posted, Im interested in how you do...
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