GOOSE BREEDING THREAD - for breeding, incubating, hatching and rearing.

I am wondering what the best mothering/sitting that would be most likely to go broody and hatch and raise until the next generation of geese come. I heard that it was pilgrims but from your experience which breed of geese would you choose
I am wondering what the best mothering/sitting that would be most likely to go broody and hatch and raise until the next generation of geese come. I heard that it was pilgrims but from your experience which breed of geese would you choose
My Toulouse is a great broody and wonderful mother goose. so is my Embden gander he is a wonderful papa goose.
Are they known for broodiness
Well lets just say I don't know of many breeds of geese that aren't known for broodiness, domestic anyway. Geese are just naturals at it both the broody part and the raising part.

My Toulouse has been broody 2 yrs in a row and did a wonderful job at it. She is thinking about it now this will be 3rd year. I have a Buff that is going to be 1 yr old end of May and she is also showing signs of broodiness, neither will be allowed to hatch this year, but that doesn't keep them from wanting to.
Well lets just say I don't know of many breeds of geese that aren't known for broodiness, domestic anyway. Geese are just naturals at it both the broody part and the raising part.

My Toulouse has been broody 2 yrs in a row and did a wonderful job at it. She is thinking about it now this will be 3rd year. I have a Buff that is going to be 1 yr old end of May and she is also showing signs of broodiness, neither will be allowed to hatch this year, but that doesn't keep them from wanting to.
I agree with Miss Lydia, my Embdems went broody in their first year. And now their off spring are following in line this year. I have seven females and i know that four are broody, the other three not real sure yet. But i believe they are the younger ones of the flock. Im allowing them to sit on 16 eggs this year, also found another nest out by the pool with nine eggs in it, but it looks as if they abandoned it. Temps dropped to the low 50's last night with rain so i'm suspecting those eggs are finished. I also discovered one of my young ducks is sitting on a nest of about 20 eggs, MAN, am i gonna be about knee deep in birds if all these birds hatch. Talk about the JOYS of raising animals. Woo Hoo
I agree with Miss Lydia, my Embdems went broody in their first year. And now their off spring are following in line this year. I have seven females and i know that four are broody, the other three not real sure yet. But i believe they are the younger ones of the flock. Im allowing them to sit on 16 eggs this year, also found another nest out by the pool with nine eggs in it, but it looks as if they abandoned it. Temps dropped to the low 50's last night with rain so i'm suspecting those eggs are finished. I also discovered one of my young ducks is sitting on a nest of about 20 eggs, MAN, am i gonna be about knee deep in birds if all these birds hatch. Talk about the JOYS of raising animals. Woo Hoo
Keep us updated sounds very interesting around your place.
Well this Friday is day 28 since my goose went broody. Last Friday was 28 days since the gander had gone broody. After candling only one egg made it past week 2, I candled it this past weekend, and it was mostly dark, like a chicken egg before they hatch. So we'll see what happens.

I ended up leaving the gander in with the goose, she forces him to stop sitting on her egg. I think the reason more didn't grow was because they kept having a war over who would sit on the eggs. He would take them out from under her and roll them away and sit on them himself. Then she would get mad and take them back. Now that there is only one, she has kept him from taking it. He still sits next to her, and doesn't get up to do more than eat and drink. I did move the ducks into a different pen because the drake was beating the gander up something awful. He would try to breed the gander at least 4 times a day, and would chase him around and pull out the gander's feathers if the gander didn't stand still. Or just beat him up and chase him without trying to breed. The drake never bothered the goose, not even once. Everything with that gander is really weird. LOL

I think I will get the goose a different boy after breeding season is over, she doesn't seem overly bonded to him compared to what I've read about in goose pairs. I think she wants a more manly gander.

ANYWAY, crossing my fingers that after all this trouble they are successful in hatching out a gosling. If anything it should have an interesting personality.

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