GOOSE BREEDING THREAD - for breeding, incubating, hatching and rearing.

During what months do geese usually lay eggs? We have 16 geese and only one seems to be laying every 2-3 days now. For a while we were getting 3 a day, through June.
During what months do geese usually lay eggs? We have 16 geese and only one seems to be laying every 2-3 days now. For a while we were getting 3 a day, through June.
Amazing you have a goose still laying, usually by end of May it's all over. their laying season starts in late Jan here and is over in May. sometimes geese will pick up mating and laying in the fall but not very many. Love to see some pics of your geese and Welcome!
Glad to see peeps in the other hemisphere hatching while we enjoy seeing our spring/summer goslings develop into beautiful juveniles.

Here's my youngest buff girl (hatched June 30th), already looking grown up....

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