Goose egg hatched under duck. (Pic Included)

Awwwwwwwwwww, how sweet. Post a pic of them if you can. I would love to see them.
I use my Muscovies as goose incubators sometimes.. it always works. 100%, every time.. lol, you wont have any problems.
hey guys

i have an important question
ok so me and my mom was taking me for ice cream and she wanted booster juice so when she got her booster juice we started heading our way to the mall for ice cream but we missed it we went really far ahead so my moms like ok lets just go to the ice cream shop by our house and then when we are done we can go pick up a friend and go to the park so we again were distracted and missed another ice cream shop so we had to make our way in to a jackie parker park which has a spray park golf corse dog park a orignal park and a lake with ducks and geese so we went in and we had to make our way kinda into the dog park and then we turned around and started heading when i started looking out the window i saw two white things which i though was golf balls then the car went ahead a little and i saw ( it was a red light ) EGGS so i told my mom so we went and pick them up but not with our hands with a which mc donalds tissues and we know they are geese or duck eggs cuz it had a little poop on it so do u think they will survive or not
if u keep them yes just put them in a heting pad with a blanket around the egg and turn them 3 times a day and put a damp cloth on them take it off evere now and then good luck
Awwwwwwwwwww, how sweet. Post a pic of them if you can. I would love to see them.
kg, when my Muscovy hatched out my enbden gander it was almost 6 years ago, I had no computer, but I did take alot of pictures it was so sweet, up until this past Aug him and his mama were still close as ever, then I brought in a goose for him, took till jan. to get him to realize he wasn't a giant Muscovy, [breeding season actually changed his mind about that]
So now I have another Muscovy duck sitting on 4 goose eggs [her choice] she must like big eggs, she did have 7 under her but was having trouble covering them all. I keep hoping my goose will go broody but so far she is only part time at night. and keeps laying she is up to #38 now.
I didn't even have a digital camera till a couple years ago, I am way behind the times

Congrats on the gosling, mama duck will treat it just like her own.
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