Goose Emergency Over.


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 26, 2013
Yepper The little canadian that could has a nice big outer pip hole and plenty of cracks to go with it. All Happy here. Other 2 still rockn. Thanks for the input.
Yepper The little canadian that could has a nice big outer pip hole and plenty of cracks to go with it. All Happy here. Other 2 still rockn. Thanks for the input.
HERE IS THE CANADIAN GOSLING..HATCHED AT 10:30 LASTNIGHT. My first canada. I told my fiance it was going to be a bull when he came
out cause it was so active in the egg. I was right. Lets just say it turned my duck eggs for me.. all 17 of them didnt stop there. Took longer than anything ive ever hatched to calm down.
HERE IS THE CANADIAN GOSLING..HATCHED AT 10:30 LASTNIGHT. My first canada. I told my fiance it was going to be a bull when he came out cause it was so active in the egg. I was right. Lets just say it turned my duck eggs for me.. all 17 of them didnt stop there. Took longer than anything ive ever hatched to calm down.
Aww Congrats!!

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