Goose in distress!!!


7 Years
Apr 22, 2012
Tonight i discovered that my fully grown goose was not walking. She was compltrly normal at 2 this afternoon. I cant tell if her leg is hurt or broke. Our male is much smaller than her so I dont beleive him to be the cause. she is not honking or makin any noise. When I picked her up she did sound very uncomfortale No visible swelling. Still drinking water. I have already started her on antibiotics...just in case. Please any suggestions. She is crated by herself at this point.
An antibiotic is not likely to do much good for either a fracture or an injury. I am not sure why you would put her on one.

Have you checked her leg's range of motion? Is she bearing any weight on it? Are there any wounds on the leg or foot? Swellings? Hot spots?
Anitbiotics did the trick. A shot of tylan. She was up and moving this morning by 11. She will be joing the rest of the geese tomorrow afternoon.

Oh and ive had poultry long enough to know that when one looks distressed its always a good idea to begin giving water soluble antibiotics. The sooner the better. Because it int gonna hurt um to have it

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