Goose Incubation & Hatching Guide - Completed!!!!

Find some good movies on TV and sit and watch several of them then take a nap and get back up and watch several more movies.....
Update: As of this morning, one has Externally pipped!! Just waiting for that zip around and pop out now. I can hear it cheeping when I call "Goose Goose" to it. The other 4 seem to be taking a break and are pretty still. Hopefully, everything is going on alright in there. Last night, of all nights (because this has never happened to me during incubation) we lost power for 2 hours and I was not home. Keep fingers crossed this did not drop the temperature too low and the other 4 are doing fine, just taking a little nap.
I lost one of my embryos, I think it's better because it had the air cell in the narrow part and it's 3 times more small than the other eggs. It could have problems to hatch
The other embryos are good, I can see very well the veins and in some of them can see the embryo moving.
Today I candled my eggs again I set two weeks ago. Started with 11 and down to 8 last week. One egg had me concerned and it quiet on me so down to 7 in that group.
Have more in the bottom of the repto. Plus 10 more eggs in the R-com. Have to wait until the weekend to candle them for the first time.

I have another egg I am in question of...? It is developing but the air cell looks to be on the side of the egg??? Not sure that one will make it.
So...... my goose that started hatching sunday late evening, still has not come out, he has made a good half dollar size in his egg shell and his bill is showing well. When do I assist? or decide to assist?
So...... my goose that started hatching sunday late evening, still has not come out, he has made a good half dollar size in his egg shell and his bill is showing well. When do I assist? or decide to assist?

that is always a hard call is the baby still chatty? and does the membrane look dried out? one thing I try if the membrane looks dry is to moisten it with a Q-tip and sterile water, sometimes that makes it so baby can do more work for itself
remember IF you decide to help... go slow, baby is breathing so you have time and if you see blood STOP put baby back and wait before you help anymore even assisted hatches should take HOURS not minutes GOOD LUCK
I went home on lunch and baby was still in the same spot as last night. i went ahead and took him out of the bator, i noticed that the membrane had started to dry out and was hard around baby, i soaked it with water and started to pull some of the shell away. The shell was completely away from the inner membrane and that membrane looked to be shrink wrapped around the baby. I took 1 quadrant of the shell away and baby ended up pushing itself out. He is halfway in the egg and halfway out. I see no blood just yellow, black, goo. is that ok? I left him in the bator as is so if any of the yolk sac hasnt been absorbed and umbilical chord could be absorbed. Any thoughts? it will be 3 hours until I am home from work.

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