Goose Incubation & Hatching Guide - Completed!!!!

I have my very first internal pip goose egg this morning! It's scheduled to hatch tomorrow, so fingers crossed!
This guide has been so great.
Wow!!!! I wish all go well to you!!! Good luck
Mine are going to hatch in 4-5 days, I'm very impatient!!!!
How long it takes from the firs external pip to complete hatching?

I just had my first experience with incubating goose eggs. Unfortunatelly, none hatched. Most eggs were infertile, several died early and one fully developed, but died in shell. I examined it and found swollen head with twisted neck. I assume humidity was the problem, it was too high during most of incubation - about 65-75 %. Temperature varied from 38-42. I don't know what else could it be, so I would appreciate some insight.

The same happened with some ducks that I had a few weeks ago - they died fully formed in shell, but did not show any malformations/swelling).
servpolice, thank you for the answer.
Aboy the temperaute it's very high, at 40ºC the embryos starts to die, the best temperature is in 37,2-37,8ºC , and the humidity i have it at a 50% during the incubation and misting the eggs when I think it's appropiate and the final days I raise the humidity gradually to 80%
Good luck for other incubations
I talk to my eggs and they wobble a lot, I think I listened one of them, but I don't know if it was the gosling or Florentino, my rooster....
Hi, thanks for the insight. I bought an expensive thermostat, however it proved incapable of maintaining a fixed temperature. Also, I need a more precise humidity control system, so I will try arduino hygrometer.
Goslings can swim the first day of live, when they are dry after the hatching?
I had ducklings, but I can't put him in the water because they don't make her own oil to proof themselves.
The first gosling had a internal pip. Tomorrow I'll be a mother goose :D
Goslings are not water repellent at hatch either. They would love a swim once they are steady on their feet. However keep it shallow and don't let them where themselves out, when they are done they need to quickly go back to the brooder to warm up and dry off. You can use a towel to help them dry faster.
Thanks Sue
I asked that because the second day of his live I would take a walk with him and go to a pool or the river to swim, the water is cold, because that I asked.
Another questin is: Why they move inside the egg?, I mean that the air cell was situated in the highest part and now the air cell moved.
My goslings hatch tomorrow or friday at night.
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