Goose Incubation & Hatching Guide - Completed!!!!

ruru, I did as you said, and added hot washclothes.
I then used the Qtips and hot water to soften the membrane.
One came out of the egg not long after puting him back in the incubator.
The others seem the same way, and its looking alot better.
They havent bled any, and are acting almost like hatchlings.
I appreciate your help, and advise.
I do beleive they will all be out by morning.
I will continue to help them only as needed.
I do NOT have any iodine powder. but have cleaned my hands and instruments with alcohol.
I am a tad afraid of leaveing them in the incubator as I have no Idea
if or how much bacteria may be in it.
also I am running a still air incubator, thus the higher temps.
Mr k@
PS: I will get pictures of them with a friends camera if you would like
to see them?
Yes, Mr K I believe we would all like to see them. I am so glad I could help you along with the goslings. This is the knowledge that I have learned through the years of hatching my Sebastopol eggs.. Congrats on the goslings.
Since they have had a hard hatch make sure to put electrolytes and probiotics in their water to give them and extra helper to recover from hatching... Good luck with them.
Miss Lydia,Ruru,
Things are great! they all came out of the eggs.
and are all moving around in the incubator.
One came out a little earlier, and is still shivering.
but the other two are walking and thumping around.
I appreciate everyone help, and advise on here.
I couldnt have helped them without it.
Ill wait till they are all getting around good
before taking them to the brooder box.
Much thanks to you, and Ruru, and Pete55 for his forum
Ill get pictures this week of them.
One more question: "How long should I keep them in the incubator?"
one is still laying down and shivering, and I dont want to
send them out to early.
Mr Katt
Miss Lydia,Ruru,
Things are great! they all came out of the eggs.
and are all moving around in the incubator.
One came out a little earlier, and is still shivering.
but the other two are walking and thumping around.
I appreciate everyone help, and advise on here.
I couldnt have helped them without it.
Ill wait till they are all getting around good
before taking them to the brooder box.
Much thanks to you, and Ruru, and Pete55 for his forum
Ill get pictures this week of them.
One more question: "How long should I keep them in the incubator?"
one is still laying down and shivering, and I dont want to
send them out to early.
Mr Katt
Wait till they are completely dry and fluffed. can't wait to see pics.. Congrats!!! What are the temps in your brooder? just wondering because I remember once someone was worried about their goslings hitting the light in the bator and getting burned so take that into consideration and watch them close. So happy for you, and don't forget what RURU suggested about getting some electrolytes and vitamins into them, they have them at most TSC and feed stores very inexpensive and just add to water.
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quick update.
They are now in the brooder box, and doing pretty good.
I am getting the electrolytes and probiotics sent from town to me this afternoon.
They seem wobbley, but two have tried to eat some food.
but only one has drank any water.
How long do they stay so wobbley?
When can I start to expect them to eat, drink water, and walk without wobbling so much?
I worry cause ones head fell in the waterer, and I dont want an accidental
drowning. I tend to worry alot, but Im sure Im not alone in this when hatching
But Im worrying far less then lastnite!
Mr Katt
quick update. They are now in the brooder box, and doing pretty good. I am getting the electrolytes and probiotics sent from town to me this afternoon. They seem wobbley, but two have tried to eat some food. but only one has drank any water. How long do they stay so wobbley? When can I start to expect them to eat, drink water, and walk without wobbling so much? I worry cause ones head fell in the waterer, and I dont want an accidental drowning. I tend to worry alot, but Im sure Im not alone in this when hatching goslings. But Im worrying far less then lastnite! Thanks Mr Katt
Don't put anything in their brooder they can get down into so they can't drown, usually after the first 24 hrs they will begin to get interested in food, dip their bills into the water so they can have a taste. wobbly is normal and should begin to see them start to stand and walk better 2-3 days, they had a rough go which make it even more so with these littles. Once they start to drink and eat they will begin to really get strong.

here is a pic of a good cheap waterer for water fowl, you can make the hold as small or larger as they grow,

first 24-48 hrs though be watchful of them around the water.
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Miss Lydia,
I have a goose waterer, which keeps it shallow.
But one isnt walking as well as the other two, but he is starting to as
the day goes on.
I let them all see, and taste the water.
and they are doing better then I thought they would last night.
I have the electrolytes and probiotics coming as well.
I look forward to them getting strong, and being Goslingy.:)
I will be getting Pictures this week.
Mr Katt
Miss Lydia, I have a goose waterer, which keeps it shallow. But one isnt walking as well as the other two, but he is starting to as the day goes on. I let them all see, and taste the water. and they are doing better then I thought they would last night. I have the electrolytes and probiotics coming as well. I look forward to them getting strong, and being Goslingy.:) I will be getting Pictures this week. Thanks, Mr Katt
If the gosling do not go to the water take the gosling and just dip the bill into the water so they know ooh this is good and will get the idea of if I put my bill in her I get goodies. Goslings are sometimes wobbly for a bit. Takes them a bit longer to recover from hatching. If I have one that has a problem recovering I keep it in the incubator for a bit longer. But I have an R-com which are great I like them. It is a digital and has not heat lelments for gosling to get burned with. I also have a reptropro which is a dry incubator.
Miss Lydia, I have a goose waterer, which keeps it shallow. But one isnt walking as well as the other two, but he is starting to as the day goes on. I let them all see, and taste the water. and they are doing better then I thought they would last night. I have the electrolytes and probiotics coming as well. I look forward to them getting strong, and being Goslingy.:) I will be getting Pictures this week. Thanks, Mr Katt
Glad to hear it's getting stronger. mrkatt eventually your gosling will need something in which to wash their faces in, probably by end of week they can get pretty clogged up if they can't clean out their nares and they need to be able to keep their eyes washed out too. So you will want to give them something similar to what I showed you this way they can't climb into the bowl but can dunk their heads. What breed are your gosling forgot to ask you.

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