Goose Incubation & Hatching Guide - Completed!!!!

They are Canada goslings. And now they are walking, eating, and drinking. They grow stronger everyday. Mr Katt
Awesome news.. sure hope we get to see some pics of them.
miss lydia i dont know wat i did wrong but all 15 of my geese eggs that wentin my bator did that im so sad im hoping that my goose will hatch all 5 but i have a question in her nest i felt the eggs and they were warm and everything but on the bottom of the egg where it is on the ground its cold is that ok its only in that area will that kill the chick or not
Miss Lydia, RuRu,
A big giant thanks goes out to both of you.
The fact is they all may have died if not for your help and guidance.
Was a tough situation, and they made it out alive.
I do have a video on youtube with them in it at:
It has humor in it, but you can see the Goslings.
they are totally adorable. and I love them the most.
Thanks again for everything!
Mr Katt

I started using buckets like this for my geese. I used them for feeders and they work just a well for the goslings & adult geese. Of course, you place the openings at different heights depending on the age & height of the geese. This bucket has lower holes for the chickens. I made a taller one one for the geese. Make hole as high as you can so they can get their heads in & still reach to the bottom of the bucket, but can't get their bodies in. Keeping the tops on, stops them from trying to drink from the top & spilling the water or feed. I bought some 5 gallon buckets, from Lowes that are higher so you can make the holes up high for the taller birds. I also got free buckets from my local grocery store. They give them away in the bakery department. Frosting comes in them so they are food grade.

I started using buckets like this for my geese. I used them for feeders and they work just a well for the goslings & adult geese. Of course, you place the openings at different heights depending on the age & height of the geese. This bucket has lower holes for the chickens. I made a taller one one for the geese. Make hole as high as you can so they can get their heads in & still reach to the bottom of the bucket, but can't get their bodies in. Keeping the tops on, stops them from trying to drink from the top & spilling the water or feed. I bought some 5 gallon buckets, from Lowes that are higher so you can make the holes up high for the taller birds. I also got free buckets from my local grocery store. They give them away in the bakery department. Frosting comes in them so they are food grade.
I like those and somebody is really enjoying their feed. lol
Guys i need help now! Ok so you know my goose is on her nest well she had 5 now to 1 cause the other 4 died or were infertile anyway she is on her last stretch and the egg is sopposed to hatch on wedn. Well my chicken hatched baby's 2 months ago and they have been getting head feathers but the hen left them now and the boy goose pretexts them but thats what's the problem is the girl goose she comes off the nest legittamately 10 times a day to see the chicks and protect she doesn't eat t all but she goes back on the nest every 45 min to an hour and she sits on it for about 20 to 30 minutes then comes off again i candled it a hour ago and it still moved but she went back on and stayed on but the egg isn't getting warm its getting a little warm but not what it should be what should i do i lock the door to the coop so she can't come outside but she still gets up i dont know why she's doing this all of a sudden and why so soon to hatching

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