Goose toys


Apr 29, 2021
Spokane, WA
What toys have you had success with for your gaggle?

I'll get things started. I fill one of these balls with leafy greens -- dandelions being the #1. When placed in the coop at bedtime there are no traces of greens in the morning.
My geese make everything into toys -- for me! They will pick up and move things, like pulled-off gardening or cleaning gloves -- and either run away with them or try to play tug-of-war before letting me have the gloves back.

My girls LOVE dandelion greens, so the ball idea might be great for them.
What toys have you had success with for your gaggle?

I'll get things started. I fill one of these balls with leafy greens -- dandelions being the #1. When placed in the coop at bedtime there are no traces of greens in the morning.
I have a few of those I fill with treats too! Sometimes I also hang them from a rope, the geese seem to like playing with them like that sometimes.
Iv been saving up plastic spools from my leather cord I get I havent had time to string them yet but there favirite toy right now is a piece of wood covered in cloth that fell out of my expansible wagon. Iv left it for them someone is always playing with it. I think they just have minds that are always working and just need something to do. My guess is its more fun to pick up the ball and toss it around then to find a goodie in it.
Do they destroy the bag, climb in, drag the innards out, or just fiddle with the shapes through the bag?
It depends on the fabric and size. Eventually they can chew through the fabric, I wouldn’t get them anything big enough to climb into, they could get it fought on their neck or leg of its too big.
You’ll want to throw it away before it gets too dirty and damaged anyway so a small canvas bag is fine.
My geese look forward to "Toy Time" I sit with them and hold the toys whilst they chew on them, sometimes I toss a toy out for them to play without me holding it, but they prefer I hold them . I never leave the toys out I always supervise. They are able to chew things apart and I dont want them to choke on anything.

Here's a pic of their toys. They love them. They honk with joy when they see me carry out the bucket of goose toys! I get baby toys especially ones that are partly soft fabrics and partly firm plastics made for toddlers to chew on.. Never anything liquid filled ( they chew holes and the liquid comes out idk if its safe ) Also some dog toys are ok. but their favorites are the baby toys. And here is also a link to one of my youtube videos with the geese and a toy...


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